7 Weeks Pregnant
At 7 weeks pregnant, you might notice common pregnancy symptoms such as bloating, nausea, and fatigue. It's also possible and normal to feel no symptoms at all, as everyone and every pregnancy is different. Read on for more information about what happens at 7 weeks pregnant, what to expect in terms of signs and symptoms, and questions you may wish to ask your healthcare provider.
Highlights at 7 Weeks Pregnant
Here are a few key highlights and things to look forward to now that you’re 7 weeks pregnant:
If you’ve missed your period and taken a pregnancy test, you might want to confirm your pregnancy with your healthcare provider.
Your baby's brain, lungs, digestive system, limbs, and facial features continue to develop.
Cue the pregnancy cravings—this is when you might start to notice them a bit more. Feel free to indulge a little as long as you’re maintaining a balanced diet.
Your Pregnancy at 7 Weeks
At 7 weeks pregnant, you have probably taken a home pregnancy test after missing your period. If you receive a negative result at 7 weeks, you can test again or go ahead and make an appointment with your healthcare provider to confirm your pregnancy. If I’m 7 weeks pregnant, what is my due date? It's natural to wonder about this, as you’re probably excited to meet your baby. Your provider can help you determine your due date, but in the meantime, you can get an idea by using our Due Date Calculator.
How Many Months Is 7 Weeks Pregnant?
What stage is 7 weeks pregnant? Your healthcare provider will mostly refer to your pregnancy in weeks, but you might notice others mentioning months. At 7 weeks pregnant, you’re in your second month of pregnancy, even if you haven’t noticed any belly bump or symptoms!
7 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby's Development
You might be surprised by how much is going on with your baby’s development this week! At 7 weeks, foundations are being set for major organs, systems, and features.
Although your baby’s brain development will continue long after birth, the basic sections have formed.
As the week progresses, the digestive system and lungs are also developing.
Tiny facial features are also starting to take shape, and each little arm now has a paddle-shaped hand attached to it.
Another important development this week is the formation of the umbilical cord. This cord creates a connection between you and your developing baby during your pregnancy, eliminating your baby’s waste and allowing nutrients and oxygen to flow between the two of you.
If you have a prenatal checkup scheduled at 7 weeks pregnant, or sometime thereafter, the provider may be able to detect cardiac activity (though not a true heartbeat yet) via ultrasound. Don’t worry if the first ultrasound scan happens later in your pregnancy, which is quite common
How Big Is a Baby at 7 Weeks Pregnant?
Your little one is growing fast! At seven weeks, the embryo is about the size of a small blueberry, about 1/3 of an inch long.
Your Baby: What Does 7 Weeks Pregnant Look Like?
To get an idea of how things are developing inside your uterus this week, check out this illustration:

Your Body at 7 Weeks Pregnant
The pregnancy signs and symptoms you may have experienced in the past weeks will probably continue, and some of them may become more pronounced this week. Although these symptoms can be tiring and annoying, keep in mind that many may subside in your second trimester, which is just a few weeks away. Healthy habits should take center stage now. Your healthcare provider may caution you about the risks of contracting toxoplasmosis, an infection that’s passed through raw or undercooked meat and through cat feces. To avoid coming into contact with the germ, order your meat well done, wash your hands thoroughly after preparing meat, and take yourself off kitty litter duty for the rest of your pregnancy, if you haven’t already done so.
7 Weeks Pregnant: Your Symptoms
At 7 weeks pregnant, here are some of the symptoms you may be experiencing:
Excess salivation. You may notice more saliva than usual, often accompanying the nausea and vomiting of morning sickness. It may feel weird, but this is just another strange, yet normal part of pregnancy.
Food cravings or aversions. Feel like pickles and chocolate for dinner? Can’t stand the smell of eggs even though it never used to bother you? At 7 weeks pregnant, you might always be hungry or feel like you can’t eat anything at all. Your food preferences and tolerance for odors may change during this time, and these changes are most likely caused by hormones. If you find yourself craving nonfood items like dirt or chalk, talk to your healthcare provider immediately.
Nausea. Of all the symptoms at 7 weeks pregnant, morning sickness can be the worst. It’s often in full effect at this stage. Hang in there—it typically doesn’t last much longer than the first trimester!
Diarrhea. At 7 weeks pregnant, gastrointestinal symptoms like diarrhea, constipation, and indigestion are usually nothing to worry about. They typically occur due to fluctuating hormones. To combat diarrhea, try adding foods like applesauce, oatmeal, and bananas to your diet, and stay hydrated, as diarrhea can lead to dehydration.
Spotting. When wiping, you might notice light spotting at 7 weeks pregnant. Heavier bleeding would be considered a warning sign, so consult your healthcare provider if bleeding occurs.
Cramping. If you feel mild cramping and lower back pain at 7 weeks pregnant, what you’re experiencing is quite normal. Your uterus is expanding, so some discomfort is to be expected. If the cramping is severe or long-lasting, consult your healthcare provider.
Fatigue. You may continue to feel exhausted this week. Your levels of progesterone are quickly increasing, and it's this hormone that can make you feel sleepy. So, try to take good care of yourself by resting as often as you can. At 7 weeks pregnant (or anytime during your pregnancy), fatigue can accompany headaches. If you experience severe headaches, consult your healthcare provider.
Frequent urination. Hormonal changes and increased blood volume are to blame for this. Now that there's more fluid in your system, it means more for your kidneys to process, and as a result, more urine is produced. Instead of cutting back on your fluid intake, stay hydrated by drinking more water than you did before you were pregnant. Experts recommend about 8 to 12 cups of fluids per day.
Discharge. Vaginal discharge is common at any time, especially during pregnancy, so noticing it at 7 weeks is normal.
Check out our A to Z guide to pregnancy aches and pains to feel more prepared for what you may experience during the coming months.
How Big Is a Pregnant Belly at 7 Weeks?
Can you start showing at 7 weeks? You probably won’t see any difference in your pregnant belly at 7 weeks, even with twins, as your baby (or babies) is only the size of a small blueberry! Still, slight bloating around your abdomen may accompany your pregnancy at seven weeks, giving you what appears to be a small belly bump showing. Just know that a baby bump usually doesn’t show until around weeks 12 to 16, when your uterus starts to move outside your pelvis area.
What Does 7 Weeks Pregnant Look Like?
To get a better idea of what your belly might look like around 7 weeks pregnant, when you’re in your second month of pregnancy, check out the image below.
7 Weeks Pregnant: Things to Consider
It’s still early in your pregnancy journey, but there’s much to think about. From adapting your diet to restocking your closet, check out our list below.
Buy a few pieces of clothing to wear as you grow. Stretchy clothes are great for staying comfortable, but also think about the fit and material. For example, make sure you get fitted for the right bra size throughout your pregnancy, and look for underwear and clothes made from cotton or other natural fibers to help keep you cool and comfortable.
Make sure you and your little one are getting the nutrients you need. Think about ditching spicy or fried foods, as they can cause heartburn. Also, if you're vegetarian or vegan, you can find protein sources (like grains and legumes) that will help balance your diet. Ask your healthcare provider whether you need to take any supplements, like vitamin B12, which is found only in animal products.
Take good care of your skin. You may get acne around this time (thanks, hormones!). It’s a normal part of pregnancy and nothing to worry about, but oil-free products may help keep breakouts in check.
Learn how to cope with physical and emotional symptoms. If your pregnancy symptoms have you feeling down, remind yourself that you're just over a month away from your second trimester, when many of your current symptoms may start to subside. Even better news: Many moms-to-be report an uptick in their energy levels in the second trimester. Your healthcare provider will have good strategies for managing physical and emotional symptoms throughout the rest of your pregnancy.
Start bump to baby monthly photos! Stand in the same spot each month, wearing the same clothes, and hold a handmade or printable monthly card. The keepsake will bring a smile to your face in the years to come, and the pictures also make a beautifully shareable memento should you want to post them on social media or email them to loved ones.
7 Weeks Pregnant: Questions for Your Healthcare Provider
After seeing your healthcare provider for the initial appointment, you'll typically have prenatal checkups about once per month until the last two months of your pregnancy, when the visits will become more frequent. These appointments give you the perfect opportunity to ask questions and bring up concerns. Some questions you might want to ask include:
What's the best way to manage weight gain while pregnant?
Are there any special precautions to take at work during pregnancy?
What plans are in place for labor and delivery? Talk with your healthcare provider about possible labor complications and other challenges that may come up in the delivery room, and how they'll be handled if the time comes.
Is “pregnancy brain fog” a real thing?
What are the signs of hyperemesis gravidarum?
7 Weeks Pregnant: Your Checklist
Yes, it’s early, but it’s also an exciting moment! As you anticipate your new pregnancy, consider the following to-dos:
Make sure you're getting enough folic acid and other essential nutrients in the form of a prenatal vitamin.
Read up on what you may experience in the next few weeks of your pregnancy in our go-to Pregnancy Guide.
Get a flu shot early in flu season.
Read up on prenatal care so you know what appointments and tests are likely to happen over the coming months.
Play around with our Pregnancy Weight Gain Calculator to get an estimate of healthy weight gain based on your pre-pregnancy weight.
How We Wrote This Article The information in this article is based on expert advice found in trusted medical and government sources, such as the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. You can find a full list of sources used for this article below. The content on this page should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult medical professionals for full diagnosis and treatment.