10 Weeks Pregnant
You’ve made it to 10 weeks pregnant, and that means you’re nearly at the end of your first trimester—time flies! Some of your pregnancy symptoms might be starting to subside, while others might be right around the corner. We’ve got more information about what to expect at 10 weeks pregnant in terms of signs and symptoms, plus things to think about and questions your healthcare provider can answer.
Highlights at 10 Weeks Pregnant
Below we’ve highlighted some of the ways your baby is growing and changing, and how you might be feeling at 10 weeks pregnant:
Your little one is starting to look more and more like a baby, with a rounder head and lots of little developments, like eyes, fingers, toes, and tooth buds.
With internal organs in place, your little one is just about 1 inch long.
Though pregnancy symptoms might be at their worst this week, know they’ll soon start to ease.
Since your belly bump might start to show in the coming weeks, now is a good time to consider starting a baby bump photo series!
10 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby's Development
Your baby is making some big strides this week! Here are some of the exciting developmental steps happening inside your belly:
That little head is taking on a rounder, more human shape, and by now all the internal organs may be in place and starting to work together.
Tiny tooth buds have begun to develop, too.
Your baby’s fingers and toes are growing longer, and the webs that had been between each finger and toe are starting to disappear.
At the moment, your baby’s eyes, eyelids, and ears are continuing to develop, but they’ve still got some growing to do before they’re fully formed.
What’s in store for both you and your baby? Check out our Pregnancy Guide; it contains tips and insights to help you get through the rest of the first trimester and beyond. And even though it’s still too early to know your baby’s gender, you can have some fun with our Chinese gender predictor.
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How Many Months Is 10 Weeks Pregnant?
Weeks or months? You’ll probably hear your pregnancy described in both ways, though weeks are more common. Though there are various methods of assigning the 40 weeks of pregnancy into months, at 10 weeks pregnant you’re likely in your third month of pregnancy, even if you haven’t noticed any belly bump or symptoms! “If I'm 10 weeks pregnant, when is my due date?” It's thrilling to think about the day you'll meet your new baby! Your healthcare provider will help you come up with this date, but in the meantime, try our Due Date Calculator to get an idea of when your little one may join the world.
How Big Is a Baby at 10 Weeks Pregnant?
Your little one is still growing very quickly! At 10 weeks, the average fetus is about the size of a strawberry, and your baby will likely measure approximately 1 inch long.
Your Baby: What Does 10 Weeks Pregnant Look Like?
Check out the illustration below for a look at how things are shaping up inside your belly as you head toward the end of the first trimester.

Your Body at 10 Weeks Pregnant
At 10 weeks pregnant, your uterus is about the size of a large orange, whereas before you became pregnant it was about the size of a small pear. Around this time, you likely have had or will soon have an appointment with your healthcare provider that includes an internal and external abdominal exam to determine the size and position of your baby.
Your healthcare provider might also perform blood tests to find out if you have any infections, determine your blood type and Rh factor, and check whether your own immunizations are up to date. There’s a lot to do, but your provider will be able to walk you through the details and schedule future appointments and tests.
10 Weeks Pregnant: Your Symptoms
“Why is week 10 of pregnancy the worst?” This may or may not be a question that's on your mind, but it’s not unusual for pregnancy symptoms to peak around this time, especially when it comes to nausea. The good news is that morning sickness and some other symptoms tend to lessen after the first trimester, giving way to a more comfortable and pleasant second trimester. At 10 weeks pregnant, here are some of the symptoms you may be experiencing:
Morning sickness. You’re not alone if you’re 10 weeks pregnant and still experiencing stomach pain, nausea, and other symptoms of morning sickness. Remember, there’s light at the end of the tunnel, but if you experience a more severe form of morning sickness called hyperemesis gravidarum, consult your healthcare provider.
Round ligament pain. This is one of the more uncomfortable pregnancy symptoms. Round ligaments are bands of tissue that support the uterus, and they stretch and soften as your baby grows during pregnancy. At 10 weeks pregnant, you might feel lower back pain or pain on your side when these ligaments tighten, such as when changing positions in sleep. Light stretching and gentle movements may help relieve the discomfort, but if it doesn’t go away on its own, or if you also have a fever, talk to your healthcare provider.
Minimal weight gain. Even though your clothes may be tighter, you may not have gained much weight—or you may have lost a little if you've been dealing with morning sickness. Read up on pregnancy weight gain and be sure to talk to your healthcare provider if you’re concerned. You can also try using our Pregnancy Weight Gain Calculator tool for an estimate of healthy weight gain based on your pre-pregnancy weight.
Exhaustion. You might feel like napping at every opportunity. This could be thanks to the increased levels of the hormone progesterone in your body. Sleeping while pregnant isn’t always easy, though, so be sure to consult your healthcare provider if you have any questions or concerns. Sleep is important!
Headaches. Pregnancy could trigger the occasional headache. If you're experiencing this symptom, try to rest in a darkened room and apply an ice pack to your head or neck to help relieve the pain. Contact your healthcare provider if the headache persists or is severe.
Mood swings. Hormonal changes may play a role in the highs and lows you feel when you’re about 10 weeks pregnant. You may find it helpful to distract yourself by chatting with friends, watching funny TV shows or movies, or treating yourself to a massage—just be sure to choose a trained massage therapist who knows about safe massage techniques for those who are pregnant.
Discharge. You might be seeing more vaginal discharge than before, which is caused by your increased blood supply and higher hormone levels. This normal discharge is clear to milky-colored, nearly odorless, and may appear slightly yellowish on your underwear. At ten weeks pregnant or later, contact your healthcare provider if you notice a strong odor or color changes in the discharge, or if you experience spotting, bleeding, or itching in the vaginal area.
Acne. If you’re experiencing acne now and didn’t before you got pregnant, or if your acne is worse now than before, it may be one of your pregnancy symptoms. Pregnancy acne is a hormone-related symptom and will likely clear up soon after your baby is born.
How Big Is a Pregnant Belly at 10 Weeks?
At 10 weeks pregnant, are you showing or just bloated, you may wonder? It’s possible that your pregnant belly’s size will increase at 10 weeks, but a baby bump doesn’t usually show until around weeks 12 to 16, even if you're pregnant with twins. This is when your uterus starts to move outside your pelvis area. Keep in mind that right now, your little one is only as big as a strawberry! Whether you're showing or not, you may be curious to know if you can feel your baby move at 10 weeks. Though your little one is probably moving around inside your uterus, they’re likely too small for any movements to be felt. Around 18 to 20 weeks you may experience what's known as quickening, meaning that you feel your baby move for the very first time.
What Does 10 Weeks Pregnant Look Like?
For a better idea of what your belly might look like around 10 weeks pregnant, when you’re in your third month of pregnancy, check out the image below.
10 Weeks Pregnant: Things to Consider
As you make your way through pregnancy, there are plenty of important things to consider, from adjusting your diet to caring for your body. Check out our list below.
Reduce your caffeine intake, if you haven’t already done so. Many healthcare providers recommend reducing or eliminating caffeine from your diet so that you’re not having more than 200 mg per day (the equivalent of one 12-ounce cup of coffee). Cutting out caffeine can also help you sleep better.
As your pregnancy progresses, the weight of your growing uterus can hinder blood flow to the lower parts of your body. When this happens, the veins in your legs can become swollen, sore, and blue. Varicose veins are not preventable, but you can take steps to ease the discomfort and prevent them from becoming worse.
Don’t sit with your legs crossed or stand or sit for long periods of time.
Try wearing support hose and propping your legs up whenever you can to help improve blood flow.
Also, stay active, move around, and add some safe pregnancy exercise to your daily routine if your healthcare provider approves.
As you anticipate your belly showing, 10 weeks is a good time to start taking pictures and starting a baby bump progression photo series, if this is something you might like to do. You could start as soon as you start showing, or even a little earlier. The series is easy to do:
Pick a day of the week, where you’d like to stand, and what to wear. Some wear a tight-fitting top, while others roll their top up to reveal their belly.
Stand to the side and either take a selfie or have someone take a full-length photo of you.
Once your baby is born, you can even take a few postpartum shots with your baby in your arms. You’ll love being able to look back on how your belly grew as your pregnancy progressed.
10 Weeks Pregnant: Questions for Your Healthcare Provider
Remember that your healthcare provider is always there for you, so feel free to consult them about any questions or concerns you have now and in the weeks to come. Some common questions at 10 weeks pregnant include:
When can I hear my baby’s heartbeat, if not at 10 weeks?
When will I be able to know if I’m pregnant with twins?
Are any genetic screening tests recommended? If so, when would these take place? Keep in mind that genetic testing is completely optional, and your healthcare provider can help you understand what risk factors or family history might impact your baby.
What is chorionic villus sampling and is it recommended?
Is a nuchal translucency ultrasound recommended?
10 Weeks Pregnant: Your Checklist
As you start to settle into your pregnancy and get used to the various emotional and physical symptoms, consider the following to-dos:
Get a professional bra fitting and buy comfortable underwear and well-fitting bras if needed.
Start to plan a second trimester babymoon! You’re nearly in the trimester that's sometimes called the “honeymoon” period of pregnancy, when you may get your energy levels back, so this could be the right time to take a short break. Besides, after the second trimester, you may not have the chance to get away for a while, so this might be the perfect time to book a relaxing trip.
When you have a minute, read up on pregnancy warning signs you should not ignore. You shouldn’t worry unduly, but it helps to be informed so you know what signs to look out for.
How We Wrote This Article The information in this article is based on expert advice found in trusted medical and government sources, such as the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. You can find a full list of sources used for this article below. The content on this page should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult medical professionals for full diagnosis and treatment.