9 Weeks Pregnant
At 9 weeks pregnant, you’re nearing the end of your first trimester! During this exciting time, you may or may not be experiencing symptoms such as bloating, cramping, or spotting. Keep reading to learn more about what to expect at 9 weeks pregnant, including new symptoms, checklist items, and baby development updates.
Highlights at 9 Weeks Pregnant
Here’s a quick summary of some important highlights and developments to look forward to at 9 weeks pregnant:
Your little one is starting to take on the shape of a baby. Adorable little toes and facial features are continuing their development.
Still, your baby is teensy tiny, just about the size of a cherry!
Any nausea you had with morning sickness may start to gradually fade and ease, but hormonal changes may trigger other symptoms like moodiness, fatigue, or acne.
To stay comfortable, you may want to get some roomy or stretchy clothing and have a professional fit you for a bra, as your breasts will continue to grow heavier and fuller and feel more tender.
You can talk to your healthcare provider about safe ways to exercise and stay active. If you haven’t already, now is a good time to get into yoga!
9 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby's Development
At 9 weeks pregnant, your little one is starting to take shape and looks more like a mini baby! Even the tail that was present in earlier weeks has almost disappeared. Other important developmental changes this week include the following:
Tiny facial features continue to develop this week, including eyelids and a more prominent nose.
Up top, your baby’s head is large compared to their body, while down below, little toes are now visible.
Internal organs are also forming, including the digestive and reproductive systems, meaning that the intestines and genitals are developing.
Now that you’re 9 weeks pregnant, you might wonder if you can feel your baby move, whether that feeling consists of little flutters or gentle movements. Your little one is certainly moving, thanks to some recent muscle development, but you’ll have to wait until sometime in the second trimester to actually feel these movements. Curious about what else is happening during your pregnancy? Download our Pregnancy Guide for advice and information on prenatal care, nutrition, weight gain, and more.
How Many Months Is 9 Weeks Pregnant?
Weeks are commonly used to gauge your stage of pregnancy, but perhaps you’re also curious about what month you’re in. Although there are different ways to group the 40 weeks of pregnancy into months, at 9 weeks pregnant, you’re thought to be in your third month of pregnancy, even if you haven’t noticed any belly bump or symptoms! If you're up for a fun way to guess whether you're having a girl or a boy, check out this entertaining (and completely unscientific) tool: The Chinese Gender Predictor!
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How Big Is a Baby at 9 Weeks Pregnant?
At 9 weeks, your baby is about the size of a cherry! Your little one may now measure close to an inch long and may weigh about 1/8 of an ounce.
Your Baby: What Does 9 Weeks Pregnant Look Like?
Check out the illustration below to help you imagine how things are taking shape within the uterus when you are 9 weeks pregnant.

Your Body at 9 Weeks Pregnant
As your body continues to go through normal pregnancy changes, now is a great time to consult your healthcare provider about exercise during pregnancy. If you're already active, you may need to make some adjustments to your fitness routine. If you haven't been as active, you can begin with something safe and gentle to get you moving. Moderate exercise will help you develop the strength and stamina you'll need during labor and delivery. Walking, prenatal yoga, swimming, and water aerobics are all excellent choices as they're gentle on your joints. In general, try to avoid activities that involve bouncing or sudden changes of direction, which could put too much strain on your joints. Consult your healthcare provider for advice about what type of exercise is right for you.
9 Weeks Pregnant: Your Symptoms
What should you be feeling at 9 weeks pregnant? This is a natural question, especially if you're dealing with symptoms that come and go at 9 weeks pregnant. Here are some of the symptoms you may experience at this time:
Growing waistline. Your belly at 9 weeks pregnant may not have a pronounced, rounded look, but your pre-pregnancy clothes are probably feeling a little snug due to a combination of a thickening waistline and some bloating brought on by pregnancy hormones. Besides bloating, hormones might also trigger other gastrointestinal issues at 9 weeks pregnant, such as diarrhea or heartburn.
Spotting. You may see some spotting or light bleeding at 9 weeks pregnant and throughout the first trimester. Talk to your healthcare provider if you see any more than a few drops of blood or notice an odd color of discharge, such as yellow or green, at 9 weeks pregnant (or anytime during your pregnancy).
Mild uterine cramping. This is a time of rapid change in your body, and you may experience mild period-like cramping (no bleeding) and lower back pain as the size of your uterus (and surrounding ligaments) expands at nine weeks pregnant. If the cramping is severe or accompanies other pain, talk to your healthcare provider to rule out any problems.
Morning sickness. If you haven’t experienced morning sickness by now, you could be one of the lucky ones who will avoid this common symptom! But at 9 weeks pregnant, your luck might run out and you might experience nausea, though this symptom might also start easing around this time.
Being hungrier. You may start to feel hungrier than usual, so keep some extra snacks on hand. Foods like fruit, cereal, and yogurt are great choices. Download our Pregnancy Nutrition Guide for more helpful tips.
Food cravings and aversions. Your sense of smell is heightened now, and foods and smells you once enjoyed may now seem unpleasant. On the flipside, you may now find you crave certain foods. You can indulge food cravings now and then, but just make sure you’re following a balanced diet. Always talk to your healthcare provider if you crave nonfood things like dirt or chalk.
Fatigue. Thanks to an increase in your levels of the hormone progesterone at 9 weeks pregnant (and throughout the first trimester), you may find yourself feeling sleepier than usual or having headaches due to fatigue. Rest as much as you can during the day, particularly if you’re having trouble sleeping.
Feeling moody. If you’re feeling on top of the world one minute and doomed the next, you can blame those pregnancy hormonal changes. Speak to loved ones about how you’re feeling—it may help you feel a little better—and seek help from your healthcare provider if your mood swings are severe.
Frequent urination. Yes, those extra trips to the bathroom may still be a part of your day as your baby grows and your uterus presses against your bladder. This need to pee more often may also be caused by the increased volume of blood in your body, which makes your kidneys work overtime. Don’t drink less water, as staying hydrated is important. If you notice a burning sensation or pain when you pass urine, consult your healthcare provider, because this can be a sign of a urinary tract infection.
Acne. If you’re experiencing acne now and didn’t before you got pregnant, or if your acne is worse now than before, it may be one of your pregnancy symptoms. Pregnancy acne is yet another pregnancy hormone-related symptom that should clear soon after your baby is born.
Breast tenderness. Symptoms at 9 weeks pregnant may include changes to your breasts. They are probably fuller, heavier, and tender to the touch due to the enlargement of your milk glands and an increase in fatty tissue. Although your breasts will likely continue to grow throughout your pregnancy, the sensitivity will usually subside once your body adjusts to the surge of pregnancy hormones.
How Big Is a Pregnant Belly at 9 Weeks?
Most likely, you won’t start showing or notice any difference in your belly’s size at 9 weeks, especially if this is your first baby or if you’re overweight or pregnant with twins. Symptoms and the way your body changes can be different during a second pregnancy. Still, remember, your little one is only the size of a cherry! Everyone is different, but, typically, a baby bump doesn’t usually show until around weeks 12 to 16, when your uterus starts to move outside your pelvis area.
What Does 9 Weeks Pregnant Look Like?
Check out the image below for a better idea of what your belly might look like around 9 weeks pregnant, when you’re in your third month of pregnancy.
9 Weeks Pregnant: Things to Consider
Now that you’re in your third month of pregnancy, there’s probably a lot on your mind—and many things to consider. From starting to research baby gear to adjusting your diet, check out our list below.
Make sure you get fitted regularly for the correct size bra to keep yourself comfortable. You may need to get some supportive maternity bras now or in the coming weeks.
If you haven't spilled the beans yet, here are some fun ways to tell your partner that you’re pregnant, from writing it in frosting on a cake, to letting your dog wear an announcement around their neck. Enjoy the moment!
During pregnancy, experts recommend keeping an eye on your caffeine intake. Caffeine comes from a variety of sources, like coffee, tea, soda, and chocolate, so try to limit your overall daily consumption to 200 mg—about the amount in a single 12-ounce cup of coffee.
During the coming months, you may have a few additional pregnancy-related expenses as well as some related to buying baby gear. Of course, you may receive a lot of what you need at the baby shower or as hand-me-downs from other parents, but it might help to create a budget for those extra expenses. Reaching out to your family, friends, and other parents is a good start, and you may also like to consult your healthcare provider to learn about free or discounted resources that are available in your area.
9 Weeks Pregnant: Questions for Your Healthcare Provider
Even if you’ve only just found out you’re pregnant, you may wish to consult your healthcare provider about any questions or concerns you have in these early weeks. Some common questions at this time include:
When is it time for an ultrasound? Depending on your situation, you may or may not have an ultrasound exam in the first trimester.
Is it normal to have an unusual vaginal odor? Pregnancy makes you more susceptible to vaginal infections, so it’s best to consult your healthcare provider about any unusual pregnancy discharge.
What's the best approach to eating well, getting the right nutrients, and maintaining a healthy weight gain during pregnancy? Consult your healthcare provider if you're feeling hungry all the time, or if you can't keep anything down due to morning sickness.
What genetic tests may be recommended?
9 Weeks Pregnant: Your Checklist
As you work through this week of pregnancy and anticipate the weeks to come, consider the following to-do items:
Find out what your health insurance covers, or how to get care if you don't have insurance. Your healthcare provider's office is a good place to start, and you can also check Healthcare.gov for up-to-date information about programs and health plans that are available in your state.
Ask your healthcare provider to give you the green light on beginning a simple fitness routine or activity, if you're not already doing some form of exercise.
Have some fun with our Baby Name Generator. You've got plenty of time to choose a name you love!
How We Wrote This Article The information in this article is based on expert advice found in trusted medical and government sources, such as the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. You can find a full list of sources used for this article below. The content on this page should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult medical professionals for full diagnosis and treatment.